Dental prevention

Dental prevention involves regularly consulting your usual dental surgeon in Lausanne. Dental prevention is the best way for your dentist in Lausanne to avoid dental infections and all the diseases they cause. Note that it is useful to regularly visit the dentist (at least twice a year) even if you think you are in good health. Treating a beginning caries is much less expensive (to patients and the community) than revitalization or extraction resulting in the placement of a prosthesis.

Dental prevention, your dentist in Lausanne will confirm it, begins at the level of feeding the child. In fact, the sugar is assimilated by dental bacteria and is converted into acids that attack the tooth’s email and cause cavities. With regard to hygiene, it is imperative to get the child brushing their teeth after each meal and to get them to acquire an effective brushing technique very early.

In practice, your child should associate the consumption of sweets and the brushing of his teeth. Since it is irrelevant to ask him to brush every time he eats a candy, plan to give him candy at the end of the meal.

Brushing is an irreplaceable part of dental prevention. And dental prevention is also fluoride. Fluoride, for some year’s essential component of toothpastes, is a major element of dental prevention by strengthening the structure of the teeth. To choose a toothpaste that meets your needs and avoid fluoride overdose, do not hesitate to ask your dentist.


Differences between orthodontics in adults and children

The belief that orthodontics was only a child thing is a thing of the past. Until recently, this was aimed at children and adolescents, but for a few years people between 30 and 50 years go to these treatments to correct the bad position of their teeth. Adults already account for more than 30% of patients in many dental clinics, encouraged by techniques that have been incorporated into dentistry and that allow the treatment to be more careful with the aesthetics of the patient, without losing effectiveness. Both child and adult orthodontics aim to diagnose, prevent and treat abnormalities of the jaw, so that the teeth recover their correct position, shape and function. But even if the purpose is the same, there are some differences between orthodontics in adults and in children.

Although the goal is the same, there are differences between orthodontics in adults and in children.

Currently, anyone who wants to show off a beautiful smile and improve or solve their chewing problems, can do so regardless of age and following the advice of the orthodontist.

Throughout this article will be explained some of the differential issues of orthodontics in terms of age, knowing that the first is that child orthodontics is performed at an age-from 7 years-in which the growth and evolution of the jaws is present, while the orthodontics in adults is done on a person who has finished his stage of growth and who, moreover, has been able to lose or suffer damage to a tooth.

Main differences between child and adult orthodontics

The first difference between orthodontic treatment in children and adults is the care that is taken with the image. When using this type of device, adults are more reluctant because of the impact that orthodontics has on their aesthetics. To live for months with a metal smile is something that does not attract the elderly and that has caused many people to postpone the desire to achieve a more beautiful, pleasant and healthy smile. With the new possibilities offered by dentistry, adults opt for dental braces that are not very visible. All those methods that favor aesthetics and comfort, such as sapphire brackets and invisible orthodontics, will be preferred by patients over 30 years of age to undergo adult orthodontics.

The main difference between orthodontics in adults and children is the care that is taken with the aesthetics of the patient.

On the other hand, aesthetics is something that is not so important when it comes to a child. This makes that what prevails in these cases is that the treatment works well and is the best to fix the problems of the maxillary bone. The most frequently used orthodontic treatment for children is metal orthodontics, the oldest and most used technique. What’s more, while for many older people wearing metal brackets is a problem for their image, for many children it can be fun and funny; even many like to be able to decorate their brackets with colored gummies.

Orthodontics in children usually correct or be interceptive and its main function is aimed at achieving a correct development of the jaw. Something that cannot happen in orthodontics for adults, since in the latter, the process is focused on definitive teeth.

Ultimately, the objective pursued by the orthodontics in adults and children are different. The first one seeks to correct a pre-existing defect that in many cases may be dragged from childhood; whereas when it comes to a child, what is wanted is to prevent a future oral problem. On this premise, the way of planning both treatments is different.

Children’s orthodontics

With orthodontics for children the problems of dental malocclusions are identified as they develop and are solved when the bad position of the teeth is not yet definitive. It is assumed, as experts say, that at this stage of life it is easier to correct a defect of this type. With infantile orthodontics, the width of the dental arch is corrected, so that its perimeter does not increase as well as the replacement of teeth that have an inadequate position with respect to the others. Specifically, what the orthodontist does is a treatment that can be of three types, depending on age: early, interceptive and fixed orthodontics.

The early orthodontics is to apply devices that help remove bad habits acquired by the child and that are harmful to teeth, such as thumb sucking. It is also an early orthodontic technique to place space retainers if a milk tooth is lost prematurely, to prevent an adjacent tooth from moving in a position that does not correspond to it.

These methods would be carried out between 3 and 6 years, and would be implanted under the responsibility of an expert in orthopedics. Although in recent years much progress has been made in this regard, these treatments are not usually very common, since it is not usual for children to start going to the dentist when they are 6 years old, the age recommended by all specialists. Anyway, before that age, parents should be attentive to how the teeth and maxillofacial bone of their children evolves, and they should take it to an orthopedic surgeon if they observe any anomaly.

Between 7 and 11 years, problems related to the shape of the palate or jaw are relatively easy to solve. For this, activators or growth inhibitors are usually used for the jaw. However, at this age, the position of the teeth cannot yet be acted upon, as it is necessary to wait until the person has the final pieces. For this it is recommended to wait around 12 years, when you can use a fixed orthodontics, either metal or any other type, as well as invisible orthodontic systems, to correct the position of the teeth.

Orthodontics for adults

Orthodontics in adults is used to improve the mouth aesthetically thanks to new techniques that allow to achieve a beautiful smile at the end of the treatment, without having to sacrifice this same aspect throughout the procedure. From the point of view of dental health, orthodontic treatments for adults seek an adequate dental eruption, correct bone structures and place permanent teeth well.

Frequently, when an adult comes to an orthodontist to become interested in dental braces, he does so after having lost a tooth or when the development of the wisdom teeth displaces the rest of the teeth, causing a crowding or causing dental alignment problems. . This circumstance usually requires the participation of various specialists in the complete treatment, such as periodontics, implantologist and orthodontist.

Finally, it is important to underline the types of orthodontics for adults that exist. The most demanded by the patients are the orthodontics, the lingual, the sapphire aesthetics and the invisible orthodontics:

  • Damon orthodontics: they are a kind of brackets a little smaller than normal, which offer better results for their speed and comfort.
  • Lingual orthodontics: it uses braces similar to the traditional braces but it does so on a face of the tooth.
  • Aesthetic orthodontics: they are brackets equal to the traditional ones but of color of the tooth in such a way that it is not perceived that they are worn.
  • Invisible orthodontics: these are plastic splints to move the teeth to their ideal position. They are almost invisible and no one notices that they are wearing them.

Did you know that there are foods harmful to your oral health

The foods and substances that we ingest are a complex chemical mixture of organic and inorganic material. They provide us with the nutrients the body needs for growth, development and maintenance but, in general, they are mixed with different substances and materials or even toxins. These can affect, in addition to our health in general, the health of our teeth. And it is that the foods harmful to oral health even have a proper name: cariogenic foods.

By definition a cariogenic diet is one that includes foods with a high presence of carbohydrates, especially fermentable sugars such as sucrose, which are easily deposited on the dental surfaces that are prone to retain food (such as furrows, fissures, etc.).

Here we explain the most important factors to consider before choosing the foods that you will consume. And if you do, brush your teeth right away:

Physical properties of the food: The more adherent the food, the longer it remains attached to the tooth. Chewing gum with sugar and candies are some of the enemies of oral health that have that property. In addition, the consistency of the food is an important factor. In contrast, hard and fibrous foods, such as apples, exert a detergent action on the tooth, helping to clean it.

Chemical composition of the food: The development of some oral diseases depends mainly on the presence of carbohydrates – also called carbohydrates. These are digested by the microorganisms present in the oral cavity, favoring their growth and proliferation. Sucrose is the most cariogenic carbohydrate, followed by glucose, maltose, fructose, lactose and sorbitol.

Occasion in which the food is consumed: The appearance of caries not only depends on the type of food, but on the frequency and the moment in which one eats. The carcinogenicity of a food is greater when it is ingested between meals, since during consumption there is greater salivation, which helps and accelerates the elimination of waste.


Diabetics have three times more risk of suffering from periodontitis

The relationship between diabetes and periodontal disease is bi-directional: the hyperglycemia of diabetes contributes to produce an inflammatory hyper-response to oral biofilm (bacterial dental plaque) and compromises tissue repair, which leads to an increase in periodontal destruction.

The treatment of periodontitis improves the control of diabetes. Not treating periodontal infections can also affect the general health of patients with diabetes and, for example, increase insulin resistance, compromise glucose control and contribute to the development and progression of complications in other organs. (Like the heart and kidneys).

The dentist and the periodontics (dentist expert in pathologies of the gums) can acquire a relevant role in the early detection of undiagnosed diabetes and prediabetes.

Studies that have investigated the underlying mechanisms reveal that hyperglycemia of diabetes contributes to produce an inflammatory hyper-response to oral biofilm (oral bacterial plaque) and compromises tissue repair, which leads to an increase in periodontal destruction. Diabetes can increase the prevalence, even tripling it, in any age group.

Not treating periodontal infections can also affect the general health of patients with diabetes and, for example, increase insulin resistance, compromise glucose control and contribute to the development and progression of complications in other organs. , like the heart and the kidneys. Inform about this relationship and promote, among people with diabetes and health professionals, the necessary oral care would produce great results. The dentist can acquire a relevant role in the early detection of undiagnosed diabetes and prediabetes.

Periodontitis (deep infection of the gum and other tissues that hold the tooth) is the sixth most common complication among people with diabetes. However, a large part of the population, and of patients with diabetes, are unaware of the nefarious implications of periodontal disease in the onset and development of complications associated with diabetes (retinopathy, neuropathy, nephropathy, cardiovascular diseases).

In recent years it is being confirmed that the association between diabetes and periodontal disease is bidirectional, that is, that not only diabetes increases the risk of suffering periodontal diseases, but that periodontal diseases can affect diabetes, impairing control of glycaemia.

Diabetes and periodontitis and their reciprocal influence

The mechanisms that explain this bidirectional relationship are complex. On the one hand, the existence of problems in the gums have negative consequences for people with diabetes who have diminished their response to infections. Even the characteristic loss of teeth that accompanies advanced periodontitis will have repercussions on the diet and, therefore, on the important dietary habits that people with diabetes should follow. Also oral health and healthy teeth are essential to maintain an adequate body image, social relationship and personal self-esteem. Therefore, a good treatment and control of periodontitis facilitates the control of diabetes, decreasing the risk of complications derived from it, and improves the quality of life of people with diabetes.

Why does diabetes affect periodontal diseases?

The increase in blood sugar causes a series of changes in the gingiva that facilitate the development of periodontal disease: it diminishes the activity of defense cells and alters the vascularization of the tissues. These changes cause a greater susceptibility to the action of bacteria, which increases the risk of infections. But, in addition, it hinders the ability of the gum to heal. All this causes the action of bacteria to be more aggressive in patients with uncontrolled diabetes, resulting in greater loss of the bone that supports the teeth.

Why do periodontal diseases affect diabetes?

Periodontitis can initiate or increase insulin resistance in a similar way as obesity does, favoring the activation of the systemic immune response initiated by cytokines. Chronic inflammation generated by the release of these mediators of inflammation increases insulin resistance and depletion of the beta cell, which is also influenced by environmental factors, such as low physical activity and inadequate nutrition leading to obesity .

Does oral health predict the onset of diabetes?

Visits to the dentist represent a very important and effective means to detect and combat diabetes, since it would help to identify precociously a these patients (many of whom are not aware that they have diabetes). With the exploration of the mouth, dentists have the opportunity to identify undiagnosed diabetes or prediabetes in dental patients and refer them to the doctor or specialist’s consultation, according to the aforementioned informative report.


Did you know that you can extract stem cells from your teeth?

Today there is another source to extract stem cells, beyond the blood and umbilical cord tissue at birth. Thanks to scientific advance, there is the technology to extract mesenchyme stem cells from the dental pulp.

This type of cells are capable of regenerating all types of tissues, being used with great potential in regenerative therapy, field where medicine has made more progress, helping to improve the quality of life of people.

Although in childbirth – a unique moment in life – it is possible to obtain this type of cells (mesenchyme) and also hematopoietic, useful to treat leukemia and other pathologies to the blood, preserve the stem cells of the teeth is an excellent alternative.

According to figures from the National Institute of Statistics (INE), the number of children in Chile represents approximately 20% of the total population, about 4 million. This segment today has the option of taking advantage of its mixed dentition stage – from 6 to 12 years old – to save its stem cells.

Many parents do not know that dental pulp is rich in mesenchyme stem cells. Therefore, we leave a series of recommendations and tips on the subject that Alejandro Guelf, Medical Director of Vidal, stem cell bank:

How are the stem cells obtained from the teeth?

To obtain a dental piece, which allows the extraction of stem cells from your pulp, it is necessary to go to a specialized doctor in the area so that you can evaluate and extract the tooth in a sterile way. Afterwards, the sample is transferred to a bank of stem cells. There, it is subjected to strict controls that comply with international standards that allow to determine the quality and quantity of the sample obtained from dental pulp stem cells. After being processed, the sample is cryopreserved in liquid nitrogen at -196 ° C, thus ensuring its correct maintenance and protection for future use in treatments.

What are these types of tooth cells for?

They are especially useful for therapies in the area of ​​orthodontics, since they are capable of rapidly and efficiently increasing or regenerating bone tissue and dentin formation (internal part of the tooth). Therefore, its use is recommended even for complex cases where the absence of bone makes implant placement difficult, in patients suffering from periimplantitis, a disease that causes bone loss, when it is necessary to regenerate the alveolar bone or elevate the maxillary sinus.

Are they used for treatments not linked to dental problems?

These cells have had good results in orthopedic and traumatology therapies, mainly in the treatment of choral lesions, bone lesions, chronic spinal cord trauma and tedious pathologies. In addition, its use in various treatments in regenerative medicine is under clinical investigation.

What to do if your baby teeth have already fallen?

If you have already passed the stage of mixed dentition of your child, it is still possible to take advantage of this source when extracting the wisdom teeth, which also contain these mesenchyme stem cells rich in properties and benefits. As in the stage of tooth fall, the extraction must be done by a dentist and coordinate with it the delivery of the tooth to a bank of stem cells.

What is the best stage of life to save stem cells?

Over time, even stem cells suffer from the environmental aggressions that age all our cells. Storing the stem cells in an early state allows them to be stored at their best capacity, so the earlier you do it, the better.


Diabetes, oral health and gum diseases

Diabetes is a metabolic disease that can affect various organs and various parts of your body. You may not know that it can affect your oral health and that serious gum disease could negatively influence the control of your diabetes. Keep reading so you know the importance of this association and what you should do about it.

According to the International Diabetes Federation, there are 366 million people in the world who currently suffer from diabetes, of whom 25.8 million are in the United States. Of these, 18.8 have been diagnosed, 7 million do not know they have it because they have not been diagnosed and 79 million have prediabetes. These numbers speak of a very important epidemic.

We know that diabetes increases the risk of developing heart disease, cardiovascular accidents, kidney failure and problems with vision, but we also know that it increases the risk of developing oral health problems.

However, a survey conducted by Harris in 657 participants over the Internet revealed a lack of awareness about the oral health problems associated with diabetes.

What happens is that people with diabetes are twice as likely to develop gum diseases. In addition, severe gum disease in people with diabetes can make blood sugar levels more difficult to control.

To keep diabetes under control you have 5 simple recommendations:

Take control with small steps!

Transform your life and your health with simple steps. Increase your physical activity, for example, walk an additional before returning home; eat small portions of your favorite foods, and brush your teeth after each meal. As you make these changes, keep your doctor and family informed. They will help you maintain a positive attitude and a healthier lifestyle.

Talk to your doctor and your dentist

Your doctor has a fundamental role to help you manage your diabetes, but your dentist is also important. Make sure you give the dentist the name of your doctor and their information, so that together they can collaborate with your treatment.

Explore all the options for treating your mouth with a professional

People with diabetes are more likely to develop serious gum disease, so it is important to take good care of your teeth and gums with dental checkups every six months. If you do not have a dentist or dental insurance, a dental school in your area may be a good option. Most dental schools have clinics where the cost is often more affordable than with a private dentist.

Take preventive measures against gum disease

There are studies that suggest a possible relationship between serious gum diseases and diabetes, and that serious gum diseases can potentially affect the control of glucose (sugar) in the blood and contribute to the progression of diabetes. Taking the steps recommended by your doctor to control your diabetes can decrease the likelihood of developing gum disease.

Choose your toothpaste wisely

A simple step to help control the health of your gums and prevent early gum disease is brushing your teeth for two minutes, twice a day with a toothpaste specially formulated for the health of your gums, and flossing at least once a day. Today there is only one toothpaste approved by the FDA and accepted by the American Dental Association to help prevent gingivitis.

If you visit your doctor and your dentist regularly and follow their indications, you will decrease the risks of developing not only dental plaque and gingivitis, which are the most common gum diseases, but many of the complications caused by diabetes.

Diabetes is a metabolic disease that can affect several organs in our body, so when you have this condition it is important to check your blood sugar frequently, follow a healthy diet, exercise regularly, try to maintain a healthy weight, and keep blood pressure and cholesterol under control too. And, of course, do not skip meals or check-ups either, besides not forgetting your oral health.

Diabetes does not give symptoms until complications appear. There is no doubt that you can live a long and happy life with diabetes and of course, keep a beautiful smile.


Diabetes, enemy of dental health

Periodontal diseases are those that affect the periodontium, that is, the tissues that support the teeth. They are infectious diseases caused by bacteria, all of which can influence other factors, such as genetic or environmental factors.

They are divided into two large groups. When only the gum is affected, causing a reversible inflammation, we talk about gingivitis. However, when this inflammation is maintained for a long time and other factors are added, periodontitis, usually known (although incorrectly), begins as pyorrhea. In this case, not only inflammation occurs in the gum, but also a deeper destruction in other tissues of the periodontium – the alveolar bone, the foundation of the tooth and the periodontal ligament – forming a pocket under the gum that accumulates a large amount of bacteria and endangers the survival of the tooth.

And what are the consequences of these diseases? Its effects can be local (in the mouth) or systematic, manifesting in the rest of the body. When the condition is local, the loss of the tooth, bleeding in the gums, pain, bad breath, etc.; while in the rest of the body, when the bacteria pass into the blood, they can cause cardiovascular diseases, decompensating of diabetes and others.

Did you know that in recent years it has been proven that the relationship between diabetes and periodontitis is bidirectional?  Diabetes increases the risk of suffering from periodontal diseases, and these diseases can affect diabetes by impairing glycemic control. The mechanisms that cause this directionality are complex.


Periodontitis can initiate or increase the resistance of insulin, favoring the activation of the systematic immune response initiated by cytokines. We can say that periodontal diseases can influence diabetes. In a clinical study developed over two years, it was observed that the control of glycaemia in patients with type 2 diabetes with periodontal disease is worse than in those who do not have. It has also been observed that patients with periodontal disease are more at risk of suffering from this type of diabetes. Several studies conducted in patients with type 2 diabetes have concluded that periodontal treatment in these patients allows the improvement of blood glucose levels. It has also been concluded that the risk of cardiovascular mortality is three times higher in diabetics with advanced periodontitis than in diabetic patients without periodontal disease.


On the other hand, diabetes causes an inflammatory response. Diabetics are more at risk of suffering from exacerbated oral affections to bacteria and, most importantly, this disease alters the ability to resolve the infection and repair capacity, which accelerates the destruction of tissues. It has been proven that periodontal diseases are more frequent in diabetics than in patients without this pathology. It has also been shown that the risk of complications associated with diabetes (including periodontal diseases) are related to the duration of diabetes and its correct control.

A poorly controlled diabetes poses an increased risk of periodontal disease and an increased risk of alveolar bone loss. Although more frequently, diabetic patients are more at risk of suffering from other oral conditions than those who are not. The treatment of periodontal diseases is as effective in diabetic patients as in those who are not. Therefore, it is very important to make patients with diabetes aware of the importance of maintaining good oral health as part of controlling the disease.


Diabetes can be diagnosed from the gums

Specialists ensure that the symptoms of diabetes can be interpreted in many cases by dentists who have specified that periodontal disease and general health problems or discomfort that are recorded in the gums, can alert the existence of an undiagnosed diabetes , especially if the gums have recurrent sores or persistent bleeding that does not disappear despite insisting on oral hygiene.

Also people who are aware of having diabetes, should be more careful with the health of their mouth, because their pathology can hinder or delay the cure of their dental ailments and in this situation, it is recommended that people and especially those with diabetes, go to the dentist every six months to undergo revisions and professional hygiene of your mouth, as a way to avoid later complications that force you to have to go through longer and unpleasant treatments to overcome them.


Design dental brush that does not need paste

The Soladey-J3X transmits electrons from its base to the top of the brush where it reacts with the acid in the mouth, creating a chemical effect that breaks down plaque and kills bacteria.

The Japanese company Shaken designed a new toothbrush that works with solar energy and also does not need paste.

The Soladey-J3X has a solar panel on its base that transmits electrons on a titanium bar to the top of the brush, these react with the acid in the mouth, creating a chemical reaction that breaks down the plaque and kills the bacteria in the teeth.

In addition to being innovative and of good design, the new toothbrush does not generate contamination since it does not need electricity or batteries, in addition to the savings involved in not buying toothpaste.

This invention has been tested in bacterial cultures that cause periodontal disease, which affects the gums and the supporting structure of the teeth, with very good results.

According to the Spanish newspaper ABC, this device completely destroys the bacterial cells that cause various dental diseases.

The invention was presented during the international conference on dental health held in Dubai, where he won the first prize among 170 contestants.


Cavities, even in toddlers!

A fist in the mouth, red cheeks or buttocks, fever, excessive salivation, diarrhea … so many symptoms that our children can suffer when appear their first words . They are irritable and on the teeth, the chilled teething ring or the raw carrot stick are our best allies during dental surges.

And then, once they are there, these first teeth, we are so relieved …

Like mussels on a breakwater

Dental caries happens because of bacteria and sugar, says dentist. The bacteria attach themselves very well to the teeth and multiply very quickly. In twenty-four hours, a bacterium multiplies by 256, you imagine? At each food intake, the bacteria feed and turn the sugar into acid. Acid degrades the tooth and demineralizes it.

To avoid biting your fingers in a few years at the sight of a small pirate with decayed teeth, gently brush the first teeth as soon as they point the end of their enamel. With a small toothbrush, so that the child can handle it easily and the equivalent of a small pea toothpaste adapted to prevent the baby from swallowing too much fluoride. “The first year, toothpaste is not necessary, says the pediatric Nathalie Demarion, and from 1 year, we choose a special toothpaste for children that contains little fluorine.

A brush in the bath

As his first reflex is to put everything that comes under his hand in the mouth, learning brushing is fortunately quite easy to introduce in a small child. “If you give him his toothbrush, he will nibble it and brush his teeth himself. You can then guide his hand, advises the dentist. The ideal place to introduce brushing is the bath. Rather than give your child a plastic duck, give him his toothbrush. ”

By biting his toothbrush as he pleases (under your supervision, in case he pushes it too far into his mouth), your child will get used to this contact. No need to focus on the three minutes of brushing from the first tooth, at the risk of turning the washing of teeth into a real ordeal. Two minutes at the beginning, that’s enough. The essential is regularity. Bacteria must be hunted daily before they attack the structure of the tooth.

Not too many meals

Another advice from dentists is to limit daily food intake. Each feeding period increases the number of acid attacks against the teeth and maintains this acidity in the mouth. “The ideal for a child is to have four meals a day: morning, midday, afternoon tea and evening”. For very small babies, the feedings are of course more numerous. But over time, care must be taken to space them for the sake of their words. Because even if your baby only drinks milk for the moment, if he has teeth, he risks to have a cavities. Indeed, in milk, there is lactose, and like many words that end in “dare”, it’s sugar! So, it attacks the teeth.

Early childhood caries is a plague that particularly affects children from disadvantaged backgrounds or other children in difficult situations who receive sweets or sugary drinks as emotional compensation. Children who have a bottle walk fruit juice or milk all day are also exposed to these cavities. In frequent contact with food or sugary drinks, small teeth have little respite and often bathe in a bath of acidity.

No worries on the other hand for bottles of water that just rinse the throat. These caries of early childhood very often affect all teeth. There are sometimes ten or twelve cavities to be treated at the same time. A dramatic situation for the child, because there are so many cavities to be treated that one is obliged to resort to a general anesthesia to treat them. And it’s not easy to release an operating room for that. Some children sometimes have to wait four to six months before being treated for lack of space in hospitals.